A Fond Farewell, and a Photoshoot

Alas, alack, a decision has been made.

The title probably clued you into this sad truth, but I have made a decision to leave Dolls and Then Some.

While I still love my dolls dearly, I have school to attend and another blog, my writing blog. I realized that running two blogs is a crazy idea, and wasn’t working for me. So I’m off to the next big thing! Before I leave though, I thought I’d treat y’all to a few pictures of Kaya I took recently.

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photo 5

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If you still wanna check me and my awesome, come over to my writing and book blog, Short Girl Writes (www.shortgirlwrites.wordpress.com). It’s sure to be bumping!

Love y’all and miss y’all,

Shai ❤


3 thoughts on “A Fond Farewell, and a Photoshoot

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